Dearest Fellow Seeker-of-the –Truth,

Many months have passed since I ‘spoke’ to you. I am here to update you with the changes that have taken place in my life and in our meetings in the past few months. 

One of the most beautiful revelations was made to me a short while ago. I had attended a marvelous Angels’ Workshop conducted by an angel herself, Sandra Gonsalves, and there was revealed to me my Spiritual/ Cosmic name: Alena/Elaneeah. Sandra was later told by her angels and masters that this name will help to further my own spiritual growth and will enable the spiritual work of the masters to escalate. My name now, dear one, is Alena and I have bidden a fond farewell to Niloufer. I would be joyous if you, too, would call me by that name.

 A new task has been given to me by my master. Under his tutelage and guidance, I am being trained to make and interpret personal Astrological Charts, so that through this is revealed the Soul Pattern, Soul Potential and Soul Mission of each. 

Jade Fire has also guided Roxanne, Scherry and me to conduct monthly spiritual workshops and a weekly three-month Cleansing Class, all of which have been proceeding even better than any of us had hoped or imagined and which we are joyous to state have helped all those who attend.  

The once a week personal meetings have been discontinued till further instructions from Jade Fire as he wishes me to pay greater attention to the Astro Charts. Besides this he has given me a cryptic message that work has to be done upon me for my own spiritual growth. 

The public meetings in the last few months have grown considerably and we are now holding them at Gita Hall, Bharati Vidhya Bhavan, Chowpatty, Mumbai, at the changed time of 3.30p.m. every Sunday. 

A wonderful new inner circle has been formed now so that beloved Jade Fire can now help even more souls to reach their Light Purpose. 

Once a month Pune meetings have also been initiated which take place on the first Saturday of every month. 

I take this opportunity to thank a few persons who have so selflessly worked from behind the scenes to ensure that the work of Jade Fire and the masters runs smoothly and spreads to all.  

These wonderful heart centered souls are our strong leader Sohrab Ardeshir, my parents, Piloo and Syrus Wadia, Zafar Karachiwala, who in spite of such a busy work schedule finds time to ensure that  this marvelous website is kept updated and ever new, and gives us such valuable technical help at our meetings, my wonderful husband, Yezad, who has dedicated himself to ensuring that not a single message of the masters gets lost or forgotten in the sands of time, Armaity Mistry, who tirelessly transcribes every spoken word of the masters and strives to place all the messages in a manner that can help even the novice to catch up with all that has past, my ‘mother’ Silla Ardeshir whose large heart grows even larger with love every passing day, Roxanne Marker who is truly  my ‘protector’, ensuring with her magical crystals and minerals that I am not overcome with the sometimes very high energies that come in, my beloved sister, Scherry Commissariat, without whose beautiful meditations our workshops would be only half complete, and my friend, counsellor and guide, Meheru Gandhi. 

There are still others who not only opened up their hearts but also their homes so that our meetings would be conducted without a single week being missed. They are Anna Francorsi, Kaushal Sanghi, Divya Kumar, Diana Cooper, Michelle Jeejeebhoy, Shernaz Lawyer, Aruna Char and Cyrus Baxter. I would be remiss if I did not thank Anusuya Kapadia without whose tireless efforts we would not have been able to conduct our meetings at the current location.  

There are still others whose names have not been mentioned here but whose love and dedication have paved the paths of so many. To these I ‘doff my hat’ in greatest respect, admiration and love. 

That is all for now, dear one. The next few weeks are very important for our Earth and for you, so fill yourself with love and light and emanate this outwards to all you meet. 

With All My Love, 


8th Sept., 2002.